Outdoor touch kiosks
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Street Glass
Street Duo
Legend (with two screens)
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Model name
Street Glass
Street Duo
Legend (with two screens)
Outdoor touch kiosks are interactive equipment designed for open−air operation. They are vandal-proof, resistant to high humidity, precipitation, temperature changes, mechanical influences. The structures are installed near shopping malls, HoReCa establishments, train stations, educational and administrative institutions.
If a street touch terminal is used to pay for goods and services, make utility payments, replenish a mobile account, then kiosks are primarily focused on providing information of a reference or advertising nature. You can buy the specified equipment with delivery or rent it from the BM GROUP "Factory of Innovations". The price depends on the technical characteristics of kiosks and terminals, equipment, and their rental period.
How to choose a street electronic kiosk
When purchasing the specified equipment, it is necessary to take into account:
- the material of the case − for installation on the street, it is better to order kiosks with a metal frame, this will have a positive impact on their operational life;
- the size of the panel − the diagonal of the screen of the equipment, which is sold in the BM GROUP "Factory of Innovations", ranges from 17 to 86 inches, the choice depends on the purpose of the outdoor interactive kiosk;
- screen brightness is a very important indicator for street models, because under the rays of the sun, the information displayed on the display may be poorly visible if the picture turns out to be faded;
- complete set − a standard kiosk can be turned into a multifunctional terminal by installing special software and additional equipment in the form of a bill receiver, card reader, printer and other devices;
- cost − there are interactive kiosks on sale in a budget version (Minimal), equipment from the middle price segment (Standard), premium models (Premium).
You can get detailed information about the technical characteristics and capabilities of touch kiosks Street, Street Glass, Street Duo, BG Legend by ordering a callback or by leaving a request on the website of BM GROUP "Factory of Innovations". We also offer you kiosks and terminals for indoor installation.
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