Automation of obtaining documents from the HR and accounting department

A large amount of information is difficult to process and structure. With our equipment and specially developed software, employees can independently issue the necessary certificates and statements, make an appointment for a personal appointment or get information about the company. Panels and kiosks have vandal-proof protection and work around the clock.
In addition, the software will allow:
- Reduce the time for obtaining certificates and payslips;
- Automate HR and accounting department business processes;
- Increase employee awareness;
- Improve the quality of service.
Software functionality:
- Account management;
- List of payslips;
- Request for help;
- Viewing personal data;
- Electronic queue;
- Video communication;
- Feedback;
- News and information about the company.
Account management provides an opportunity for each employee to register on the portal and, if necessary, edit their personal page.
The list of pay sheets allows you to display:
- the main salary of the employee;
- monthly premium;
- additional % on the basic salary / bonus;
- sick leave benefits;
- recycling, etc.
A request for certificates and copies of documents provides an opportunity to select the necessary document from the list and receive it instantly:
- certificate of non-receipt of benefits (certificate of non-receipt by a parent of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child);
- certificate of non-provision of travel for a student child (it is necessary to specify the university where the child is studying, the course);
- certificate of a young specialist (education needs to be clarified);
- specify additional information for a visa or at the place of request, etc.
Viewing personal data demonstrates:
- employee salary;
- rewards;
- benefits;
- work experience;
- vacation schedule;
- absence period;
- travel information
Recording in the "Electronic queue", Video communication, Feedback allow not only to quickly make an appointment with an employee for an additional consultation, but also to leave a video message on issues of interest.
News and information about the company provide an opportunity to be constantly aware of the events taking place in the organization.
Types of equipment
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